prairie fire remote

Around the world, between 75 and 820 million hectares of land burn each year a total area greater the all of Alberta.


How we work?

Prairie Fire Remote inc. (PFR) uses remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) on wildfire landscapes. We primarily assist wildfire by providing hot-spot detection and up to date mapping on the fire line. Our experience as firefighters has taught us how accurate and up to date information is vital. We seek to provide wildfire agencies and firefighters the information we would have needed and wanted when making critical decisions on the fire-line our selves.

In the past only through the use of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft could we collect any data critical to efficient suppression to fire fighters. This invaluable information comes at a cost, both financially and by stressing the already limited airspace and flight time needed for other operations. We saw the choice being made frequently between “paying heavy costs or having limited information”. Wanting to change that fact we had to make the decision to start PFR and seek to limit the cost of data collection through the utilization of RPAS and proprietary software giving the individuals that need it the information and tools they need to do their job better, faster and safer.

The importance of up-to-date information and “eyes in the sky” make the job safer and to tell us a story of what happens is and will happen during a forest fire. Changing the way Fire is fought in Canada. It is apparent that many other industries could benefit in the same way. We try to bring our wildfire expertise’s and innovation to other industries. Helping others get update information and getting better visual maps will help all industries make instant and critical decisions having same importance and impact as firefighters on the fire line.